Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Antioxidants and Beans?

Many people hear about antioxidants, and that they are good for you, but they don't know why.

Never fear, Laura is here, with the answer of course!

Antioxidants help fight and fix oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has also been linked to Alzheimer disease and cancer. Basically they help repair and prevent damage to your cells that could cause serious medical problems.

Now where can you find these helpful little things. My favorite way is by eating berries,( blue berries, blackberries, strawberries) And you can get them in smoothies. They are a good way to get your sweet tooth fix by not blowing your diet. You have to be careful though and do your research because some places serve "healthy" things, but thats another blog.

 Oh and cool greens also serves smoothies!

But berries are not the only way to get you antioxidant fix. You can also get them through beans. According to a webmd article small red bean has more antioxidant power in it than wild blue berries.I know weird right! It is true though. You can read more bout it here.

Hopefully now you know where to get and why you need antioxidants.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I will be eating a lot more berries and beans! Thanks for giving us some info on what antioxidants are and how they help!
