Thursday, February 16, 2012

Making carbs your friend

Okay so when it comes to dieting the thing I hear the most is... STAY AWAY FROM CARBS!! Fear not carb lovers, because this does not have to be the case. You can lose weight, and still eat bread, you just have to eat the right bread.

First off do not be fooled by the whole wheat craze. Whole wheat can be just as bad for you as white bread. It all goes back to starches. You want more complex starches so your body will burn calories longer.

This is why I prefer whole grains. They are more complex starches and filling. I eat multi-grain bread when I eat sandwiches, I eat multi-grain pasta, and brown rice instead of white.

Another tip is the darker the better. This may sound like a weird tip, but think about it. If a bread is darker than regular white bread than it is more unlike it, and if it looks too close to white bread than it probably really is almost like it.

Final tip or in my case rule. Only eat carbs with one meal, and only one small snack. This way you are limiting your carb intake, but remember that rules are meant to be broken.


  1. Great advice! How do you think multi-grain is in taste comparison? This is one of my problems with multi-grain pasta in particular.

  2. I love whole grains, you have great advice. I have been eating whole grains for a while now and I have found that I prefer the taste over white rice or bread! Thanks for the tip girl!

  3. Once you get used to the taste and texture of the whole grains the bleached, bland white bread does not compare!

  4. It's true you have to get used to it, you really do not notice the difference. Also trying different brands helps too, because some are better than others.
